
Don’t Blackmail Judges, Losers Should Accept Defeat – Justice Mary Odili

Politicians who lost the 2023 elections have been warned by Retired Supreme Court Justice Mary Odili to refrain from extorting money from judges and inciting the populace against them.

The wife of the former governor of Rivers State’s also urged everyone to act responsibly and with perspective and discouraged the use of speculative theories that can escalate tensions.

She made this statement over the weekend at a colloquium in Abuja honoring Joe-Kyari Gadzama’s 25th year as a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN).

Justice Odili acknowledged the anxiety brought on by the 2023 elections, noting that some people and organizations appeared to be trying to sow discord and hatred.

While acknowledging that grieving is normal, she emphasized that actions endangering national stability cannot be condoned because the ensuing chaos would affect everyone equally.

Instead, Justice Odili argued for using electoral tribunals and the courts to settle issues because elections are only held sometimes and once conflicts are settled, the courts may resume their regular operations.

The esteemed Justice stressed the necessity for legal professionals to act properly during this controversial time and to foster stability amid political tensions.

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